quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

"..per distruggere il gioco piu bello.."

I saw Nike's new football commercial the other day, and, as a football fan and basically having grown up on these, this was something I was looking forward to with some expectation (and yes, excitement too :P).

Afterwards I couldn't help feeling disappointed, and a bit revolted I must admit. Maybe it's just me, but the message I got was: "Become a football player and be worshipped. They'll make music, movies and even statues of you. Or else you'll end up poor and living in a trailer".
I guess you could say "Oh well it is just a commercial..". But they're also probably one of the biggest brands and with most visibility in the world and as such should have some kind of moral responsability towards the values they seem to be promoting.

I miss "the good ol'days" when it was just plain Good vs. Evil.

2 comentários:

jp disse...

Thumbs up! I agree with you regarding the new commercial's quality, but I don't think we should take it so seriously either. Like you said it's just a commercial, and more than that, it's just a game. I know it's a BIG game, but also because of that, I think we're over the line where we can retrieve moral values from it, which is a bit sad.

Sérgio Silva disse...

O capitalismo e as leis do mercado definem as suas regras (flawless) e os jogadores simplesmente jogam. Unfortunetely there is no room for moral values or any other kind of values except money and stockholders' profits! Mesmo pensando assim acho que o novo anúncio da Nike não é assim tão agressivo, simplesmente diz que se não fores bom a jogar à bola e não te esforçares acabas numa roulote que é uma metáfora por não seres reconhecido pela opinião pública.